Anger is a normal emotion that everyone experiences, however, when it becomes intense, frequent, or uncontrollable, it can significantly affect our well-being and relationships. Physical symptoms of anger may include increased heart rate, muscle tension, and headaches, while mental symptoms can involve irritability, racing thoughts, and difficulty concentrating. Some people express anger aggressively, while others suppress it, leading to self-harm.

People may experience anger issues or frequent feelings of intense rage for many reasons, it can arise due to your childhood upbringing, past experiences, personal problems and triggers, health and well-being and your own interpretation of a given situation.

Seeking professional help can prove to be an amazing tool if anger disrupts your life. Mental health professionals often recommend specific therapies based on the underlying cause and severity of anger. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is a common approach, where individuals learn to identify triggers, challenge irrational thoughts, and replace them with healthier coping strategies. By understanding the root causes of anger and developing new responses, individuals can manage their emotions more effectively.

If you or a loved one is struggling with anger, consider reaching out and booking an appointment with one of our highly qualified therapists. Remember that you’re not alone—many people experience anger, and support is available.

Our Practitioners:

David Hennessy, Gestalt Therapist and Psychotherapeutic Counsellor Bloomsbury“As a Gestalt therapist supporting a client with anger management, I create a safe space for exploration while encouraging awareness of triggers, physical sensations, and underlying emotions associated with anger. Together, we delve into recurring patterns and beliefs, exploring past experiences and core beliefs contributing to their anger. Through expressive techniques and coping strategies like mindfulness and boundary-setting, we work on healthy anger expression and develop skills for managing anger in daily life. Emphasis is placed on personal responsibility, accountability, and integrating insights gained into their ongoing journey towards growth and transformation.” David Hennessy, Gestalt Therapist >

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London WC1B 4JP
United Kingdom

Phone Number: 020 8962 6247