An eating disorder is a mental health condition characterised by eating, exercise and body shape becoming a central part of a person’s life. There are several types of eating disorders that exist, the three most common types being anorexia nervosa (where one is trying to control their weight by not eating enough food, exercising too much or doing both), bulimia (a disorder which consists of losing control over how much you eat and then taking drastic action to avoid putting on weight) and Binge Eating Disorder, otherwise known as BED ( where someone eats large portions of food until they are uncomfortably full). Recovering from an eating disorder can seem extremely daunting, but it is not impossible, you are capable of recovery. Every person’s journey to recovery will be different and unique to them, but we will be here to help.

44 Russell Square,
London WC1B 4JP
United Kingdom

Phone Number: 020 8962 6247